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Femininity is Home: Advanced Esoteric Impartations on Yoni Jewels

Welcome to an intimate night of juicy, feminine fun as we explore the realms of the sacred feminine tools known as yoni eggs. With this expanded teaching, we shall expand into the esoterics of working with yoni eggs in addition to yoni wands and other sacred yoni tools. This teaching is on the advanced level where we no longer operate from the position of healing and transformation from wounds and trauma, but moreso, an expansion into our power. We learn how to expand into our pleasure to amplify comfortability with showing up BIG, FULL, AND LUSH.

We will meet for our session on Friday, May 24, 2024 at 8pm Eastern. I invite you to bring your journal, your special bottle of wine or your favorite cup of tea and unwind and relax into your wombspace as we venture into the realms of our expansion, amplification, and lushness. A replay video will also be available for those who are unable to attend live or to revisit (technology permitting).

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 Femininity is Home: Advanced Esoteric Impartations
 $ 52.32 USD

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